Po Campo seeks engagements based on the following client needs.

cfo Services

Po Campo’s CFO option fulfills all typical tasks of a Chief Financial Officer.  This option requires dynamic interaction with the client’s team and accountant, and ensures completion of all the items on Po Campo’s menu of services over a suggested project timeline.

A CFO has three areas of focus: past, present, and future. The past focus utilizes historical financials and analysis to uncover inefficiencies to be corrected and efficiencies to be scaled.  With a thorough understanding of the company’s capabilities through historical performance, the CFO can help strategize how to position the company in the present to be prepared for what lies ahead.  The future focus includes complex financial modeling to create dynamic models to aid in decision making to prepare for both growth periods and downturns.

Financial statements and other pertinent data will be presented by the CFO and will be prepared beforehand with meeting agendas to facilitate efficient and focused interactions.

capital acquisition

Po Campo specifically focuses on engagements with ambitious and capable teams. These two characteristics consistently lead to high growth clientele and often leads to external capital needs. In certain circumstances, Po Campo will assist with strategy and capital placements in compliance with State and Federal Securities laws.

Through analysis, modeling, and strategy discussions, Po Campo will help determine the most appropriate capital structure to determine which capital market a company should approach. Once that structure is determined, Po Campo will help along the way as the company acquires both debt and equity to fulfil their capital needs.

capital investment

Po Campo only works with clients who we believe in and trust. Sometimes we get to put our money where our mouth is. Po Campo Financial and its affiliates have invested in multiple clients and will continue to do so as we build both the size and diversity of our Direct Investment arm.